Here's how I viewed them (ha!):

Fast-paced courtroom drama featuring a lawyer who knows how to work the means streets of L.A. The plot was somewhat predictable, but it had enough surprises (and good actors) that I was completely entertained. The audience at AMC 34th St. left something to be desired (two snorers and women expressing their fear during tense scenes).
Letter Grade: B+
I know, I know – everyone already saw this in theaters millions of years ago. But I refused to see it at the time (hype annoys me), and I swore it would be the perfect at-home movie. Well, I was right! Our TV measures up at 30-something inches, so I wasn't overwhelmed by any special effects or booming sound editing. I focused on the storyline, and it was pretty interesting (apart from the whole dead wife thing). Usually I do other things when I watch movies (read magazines, blog), but this one really held my attention.
Letter Grade: A-
The Buck List
This movie got terrible reviews, and I can see why. But on the other hand, I knew what I was getting into, and I actually enjoyed it. My favorite part was Jack Nicholson commenting on Morgan Freeman's freckles. It was cute. Old-person cute. And I love old people.
Letter Grade: B