August 6, 2010

Palm Reading

At our office health fair on Wednesday, I had my palm read for the first time. It only took about four people convincing me to do it. And still, I was very skeptical.

Apparently, I am a "water hand." It brought weird visuals to mind, but I accepted it nonetheless. It means I am sensitive and take things personally (nailed it right on the head). She told me I am a clear and independent thinker, even if my emotions cloud my judgment sometimes. And I need solitude to clear my mind and connect with my thoughts, rather than being around other people all the time. She said I am "creative, creative, creative" and it looks like I'm on the right career track.

I don't think any of these things were a revelation to me, but she did tell me how I could use this information in my everyday life. When I'm feeling overly sensitive, I need to take a step back and think critically about the comment rather than just react. Also, I need to be with someone who understands my need to be alone and is willing to give me alone time to re-energize.

So far, I think I'm on the right path.


boody said...

It's funny how these are things you already knew. hahha. Good thing you didn't have to pay for that palm reader! haha.

Sam said...

ooh, interesting!


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